what to do if you have colon cancer

Colon cancer is the third well-nigh common cancer in the Us. The American Cancer Society predicts the cancer will cause 51,020 deaths in 2019 lonely. Yet, the overall death rate is starting to drop, thanks to more than advanced treatments developed over the last decade.

Detecting colon cancer with blood alone may take been an impossibility just a few years agone, merely new developments are starting to advise otherwise. Tin can claret tests diagnose colon cancer? A new discovery suggests that it may be possible by identifying circulating tumor cells in the blood.

Overall, colon cancer is still a difficult disease to place, let alone treat. Multiple testing is frequently required to attain a conclusive diagnosis. But with a proactive attitude towards screening and testing, in that location are ways to significantly reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.

Am I At Risk of Colon Cancer?

Studies show that early screening for colon cancer not only reduces its occurrence but besides improves a person's overall mortality (source). Screening is the process of identifying colorectal changes in its earliest forms before significant symptoms fifty-fifty announced.

Screening is especially helpful for individuals who have a higher take chances of contracting colon cancer for the following reasons:

  • Colon cancer is more than commonly diagnosed in adults 50 years old and above. Doctors recommend getting screened for cancer yearly
  • People of African-American heritage are at a greater risk of developing colon cancer than other races
  • Patients with previous histories of benign colon growths or polyps are still at risk of developing colon cancer in the future
  • While colon cancer isn't hereditary, at that place are some inherited syndromes that can increase your risk of colon cancer. These include the Lynch Syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) to name a few
  • Lifestyle factors such as obesity and heavy alcohol and cigarette consumption
  • Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's illness and ulcerative colitis
  • Type two diabetes patients who accept a hard time controlling their status

Polyps and Colon Cancer

An of import part of diagnosing colon cancer revolves effectually the investigation of existing colon polyps in the digestive organization. Colon polyps are cell clumps that tin exist found along the lining of the colon. While most polyps are beneficial, a small percentage of them are cancerous, becoming cancerous over fourth dimension. On their ain, polyps mostly exercise non cause any symptoms, and grow very slowly over time.

Types of Colon Polyps

Polyps can abound in one of ii shapes: stalk polyps or apartment polyps, also known as pedunculated or sessile.

When a polyp is pedunculated, information technology grows into a mushroom shape, with a growth projected outwards fastened to a long stalk. Polyps that are sessile are more difficult to find and remove, equally they abound flat confronting the mucous membrane or lining of the colon.

At that place are five common types of polyps, all of which should exist removed during a colonoscopy for thorough testing. Some of them have a higher chance to develop into colon cancer than others. These types include:

  1. Adenomatous: A majority of polyps in the colon are the adenomatous type, comprising of roughly around lxx% of detected polyps. Most malignant or malignant types of polyps start as adenomatous growths. With regular screening, doctors can discover malignant polyps before they evolve into colon cancer.
  2. Villous Adenoma: Around fifteen% of polyps constitute in the colon are villous adenoma. Though few, they have a college chance of evolving into cancer compared to other types of polyps. They are difficult to remove from the colon as they are sessile, pregnant they are nearly flat along the lining of the colon.
  3. Hyperplastic: Hyperplastic polyps are small and common, and comport a low risk of becoming cancerous. These are a kind of serrated polyp, but doctors typically test and remove them in case they are malignant.
  4. Polyps from inflammatory disorders: When patients have inflammatory bowel disease, they can develop what is known as inflammatory polyps. They are non polyps in the same sense as other kinds of polyps; rather, they are cell clumps that grew every bit a reaction to the colon's long-term inflammation. These polyps are beneficial and take no run a risk of becoming colon cancer.
  5. Serrated: Hyperplastic polyps are a type of serrated polyps. However, there are also bigger serrated polyps that have a higher chance of becoming cancerous. While hyperplastic polyps are generally benign, bigger serrated polyps are more probable to be precancerous.

Why Polyps Bleed, and Other Polyp Symptoms

Well-nigh polyps brandish no symptoms, and tin can exist in the colon for years, if not decades, undetected. However, there are cases when a candidate for colon cancer finds themselves with blood in their stool. This can be caused past a bleeding polyp, which is mostly produced by larger growths forth the colon lining:

Other symptoms of polyps include:

  • Concealment or reddening color of the stool
  • Hurting in the abdomen, which is caused by large polyps partially blocking the bowel, making information technology difficult for the stool to pass
  • Anemia caused by iron deficiency, as the chronic bleeding in the stool takes abroad the iron the torso needs for proper oxygen transportation in the body

Are Haemorrhage Polyps Malignant?

While there is no direct causation betwixt bleeding polyps and developing colon cancer, we tin safely say that bleeding polyps usually occur amid larger polyps, and larger polyps are more than likely to become malignant.

If you believe that blood in your stool or your abdominal pain may be connected to haemorrhage polyps, then it is all-time to see your doctor for a colonoscopy.

Haemorrhage and Bowels: Hemorrhoid or Colon Cancer?

The presence of blood in the stool is commonly perceived as a telling sign of colon cancer. However, this can signal full general problems in the rectum which may not necessarily be related to colon cancer. A good example of which is hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids VS Colon Cancer: What's the Difference?

Hemorrhoids are swollen tissues that have formed in the rectal area. These tin can occur either inside or outside the anus. Hemorrhoids are caused past straining, a low fiber diet, constipation, and aging.

On the other hand, colon cancer is characterized equally abnormal growths on the lining of the colon. When cells deviate from their natural grow-dissever-die cycle, they can increase in size and even multiply. When left untreated, polyps can evolve into cancer.

Colon cancer too invades nearby lymph nodes. When blood from the intestine is carried to the liver, colon cancer may spread to the liver in one case information technology has targeted nearby lymph nodes.

Why Is At that place Blood In the Stool?

Rectal bleeding is a symptom common to both colon cancer and hemorrhoids. In the case of hemorrhoids, haemorrhage occurs when hard stool presses confronting the swollen hemorrhoid, causing information technology to bleed.

Similarly, patients with colon cancer besides report rectal bleeding. Cancerous polyps tend to drain more than healthy tissue, resulting in the presence of blood in the feces.

Unlike colon cancer, discomfort and bleeding usually go away in hemorrhoids cases later on a couple of weeks. Symptoms persisting or worsening could be indicative of polyps in your colon.

Other Weather That Cause Bleeding

Not all haemorrhage is caused by hemorrhoids or colon cancer. Consider the following possibilities the adjacent time y'all observe blood in your stool:

  1. Inflammation from syndromes and diseases. Conditions such as Crohn's affliction, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel affliction (IBD), and ulcerative colitis can all crusade blood in the stool.
  2. Leaner causing bowel infections. Bacteria such as Due east.coli, Cholera, and Salmonella, along with other mutual tum bugs, can crusade bloody diarrhea. Soft encarmine stool is commonly accompanied by intense abdominal cramps. Pain can only be alleviated through antibody treatment.
  3. Large bowels and constipation. Struggling to pass bowels can lead to uncomfortable anal fissures. Common causes include a low-cobweb diet and not drinking enough water. A lack of do has too been proven to contribute in uncomfortable bowel movements.

Signs You Have Colon Cancer

Rectal haemorrhage is not the sole sign of colon cancer. In fact, symptoms exhibited by patients may vary. Below are the most mutual signs of colon cancer:

  • A abiding change in bowel movement including diarrhea and constipation
  • Change in stool consistency
  • Cramping, gas, and other forms of pain
  • Consistent and progressive abdominal discomfort
  • Fatigue and breathlessness
  • Unprecedented weight loss (Check out our mail service on How to Gain Weight with Colon Cancer)
  • Feeling swollen
  • Disability to pass gas

The presence of blood in the stool is interpreted as an alarming sign of colon cancer. However, that alone is not a conclusive proof of colon cancer. Doctors commonly require further testing to clearly institute the crusade of the bleeding.

On the other hand, experiencing abnormal bleeding accompanied with one or more of the symptoms above require urgent medical attending. Diverse tests are available in order to rule out colon cancer.

Do Colon Cancer Patients Always Feel Bleeding?

Reverse to popular belief, colon cancer patients don't e'er feel rectal bleeding. This type of cancer spreads slowly and will not produce symptoms for a long fourth dimension. Symptoms also vary depending on the location and progression of the disease.

One of the biggest myths surrounding colon cancer is the understanding that patients volition inevitably exhibit symptoms. All the same, Dr. Emina Huang (source) from the University of Michigan Medical School affirms that "…the most common symptom is no symptoms at all".

This is why tests like the fecal occult blood test (FOBT) exist. It is precisely considering non all bleeding is visible to the naked eye. Tests like these expect for subtle only significant signs of abnormality in your colon and liver, which can help place colon cancer at its very early stages.

As discussed above, rectal haemorrhage may very well be symptomatic of other issues in your gastrointestinal arrangement. Either manner, we recommend getting screened in order to eliminate the possibilities of colon cancer.

Brilliant Reddish Blood: A Sign of Colon Cancer?

Claret in the stool is commonly a sign of hemorrhoids, not colon cancer. As the stool passes along, the swollen tissue may obstruct the stool, causing the hemorrhoid to rupture and bleed. The claret is unremarkably bright red in color and watery in consistency.

On the other paw, haemorrhage from colon cancer is typically described as darker in appearance. Stool ranging from maroon to tar-similar can exist a sign of colon abnormalities. This is because the blood is produced higher upwardly in the colon and is "less fresh" than one from a hemorrhoid rupture.

Once more, it's impossible to accurately diagnose colon cancer from the colour of the stool alone. Nosotros recommend a proper examination to really understand your state of health.

Is Information technology Common to Run across Blood In the Urine?

No. The presence of blood in the urine is ordinarily a sign of bladder cancer, not colon cancer. If you doubtable having or have been diagnosed with colon cancer but detect claret in your urine, this might exist a sign of further complications not related to your colon.

Bladder cancer can be identified through various urine tests, one of them being cytology. Frequent urination, pain during urination, and the inability to pass urine are all signs of bladder cancer.

The Inkling Is In Your Claret

Blood picks up chemicals, cells, and other elements as it flows from one office of the body to the other. Blood piece of work offers clues regarding your general health, providing an insight into abnormal functions in the trunk.

Colon Cancer and White Blood Jail cell Count

White blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and are easily detectable in blood tests. A specific blazon of white blood cell chosen the neutrophil is responsible for warding off infections and destroying harmful cells.

The normal neutrophil count is 1,000/i microliter. A deficiency in neutrophils is called neutropenia. This is caused by severe infections that are besides invasive.

On the other paw, neutrophil production tin can as well exist stalled by the presence of cancer. Cancer treatments can also affect neutrophil count due to radiations exposure. Keeping track of your neutrophil count can help y'all understand how your body works.

Cerise Blood Prison cell Count and Bleeding Polyps

Blood tests expect at hemoglobin levels in ruddy blood cells. This protein is responsible for bringing fresh oxygen into the blood and transporting information technology throughout the trunk. A dysfunction in red blood cells is chosen anemia.

Anemic people have symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Paleness
  • Breast pain
  • Dizziness and sporadic headaches
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Centre palpitations

Anemia is caused by multiple abnormalities, including cancer itself. Haemorrhage polyps can worsen over time. When this happens, the survival rate of patients with cancer is threatened. Anemia deprives the body of fresh oxygen, which in plow affects the trunk'south adequacy to cope with cancer treatments.

Blood Testing and Colon Cancer

It's common for those getting screened for colon cancer for the first time to expect a thorough blood test to dominion out the possibility of colon cancer. Nonetheless, blood tests aren't the be-all and end-all examination. Boosted examination is required if results come out positive from a blood exam.

Can a Blood Test Find Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer can't be directly identified from your blood alone. Blood tests are commonly supplementary tests performed by doctors to understand your overall health. Trace elements from carcinogens tin can announced in your blood test results, which inform doctors about abnormalities in your body.

The common blood tests performed to discover colon cancer are:

Fecal occult blood exam (FOBT). Occult blood is blood that is invisible to the naked eye. A sample of your stool is studied to check for problems in the digestive tract. Positive results don't necessarily mean colon cancer; benign tumors, ulcers, and other conditions apropos the digestive tract may also cause results to come back positive.

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). The CEA is less of a test and more of a trace chemical element. Malignant cells sometimes produce this chemical in the blood. Doctors ordinarily track the level of CEA in a patient's body over a long period of time. This helps them understand how colon cancer is progressing in the trunk. Handling efficacy is likewise based on long-term CEA levels.

The Future of Blood Testing

As mentioned, claret tests aren't typically considered as stand-lone methods of diagnosis for colon cancer. Notwithstanding, recent findings suggest otherwise.

New inquiry suggests that blood tests tin can finally be used to observe colon cancer, catching it even in its early stage (source). This experiment was conducted in a hospital in Taoyuan, Taiwan where 620 participants were tested for CTCs or circulating tumor cells.

The blood sample is analyzed with a claret assay called CMX. The results were able to distinguish CTCs present in the blood, which is useful in identifying people with both precancerous polyps and existing colon cancer.

How authentic is this new blood test for colon cancer? The results came back with an 84-88% accuracy, with false positives only coming back at less than 3%. These numbers are significantly meliorate than FOBT, which is the standard method for detecting colon cancer.

Significance and Possible Application

Discoveries like this are pivotal because they let for earlier detection and treatment. When information technology comes to most types of cancer, early on detection is the central to treating it successfully.

Patients diagnosed with a localized stage colon cancer have a 90% chance of survival inside five years (source). That drops to 71% after cancer has spread to neighboring organs and systems. Information technology drops to 14% one time it spreads to farther parts of the torso.

With technology this accurate, doctors tin can gain a meliorate insight into the development of colon cancer. More importantly, colon cancer bloodshed rates will drib significantly in the time to come, thanks to the possibility of early on detection.

For patients, this translates to more affordable and comfy methods of screening. As lead author doc Wen-Sy Tsai notes, "There is still some reticence amongst patients to use stool-based tests or accept an invasive examination similar colonoscopy to detect colorectal cancer. Our results may bespeak to a solution." (source)

Other Tests

1. Sigmoidoscopy

A sigmoidoscopy is a shut inspection of the sigmoid colon. This is connected to the anus through the rectum. A flexible tube with a light attached at the end is inserted into your anus. The photographic camera attached is used to look for polyps. Sigmoidoscopy has been proven to significantly reduce mortality by detecting polyps in the distal colon.

two. Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy is similar to a sigmoidoscopy in that a small, camera-enabled tube is inserted into your rectum for examination. Yet, colonoscopies are usually performed to discover the entire colon. Tissue samples may also be taken during a colonoscopy for further report.

iii. Virtual Colonoscopy

Virtual colonoscopies don't involve physical insertion. Also chosen a computed tomography colonography, this procedure uses a special x-ray car to examine the colon for polyps. A pocket-size of gas is introduced to your colon through the rectum, and CT images are taken to detect polyps.

Preparing For a Fecal Occult Claret Examination

Although performed at dwelling, some preparation is necessary for successful testing. Sure medications and foods tin affect the results of the FOBT. As such, it'southward important to follow mutual guidelines to ensure authentic results:

  • Consult your md regarding the special diet. Sure foods affect exam results, which is why it's important to know foods that are permissible to eat. Raw fruits and vegetables are mostly a no-become. Ruby meat such as beef and pork are normally banned past doctors for up to 72 hours before the test because blood in the meat may cause a false positive result
  • Citric foods rich in Vitamin C may also change the test. Stay away from foods and beverages with high vitamin C content
  • Certain medication may interfere with the exam. Your doctor will put sure medicines on agree up to 72 hours before the test

Different Kinds of FOBT

There are two main types of FOBT:

Guaiac Smear Test (gFOBT)

  • Collect three different samples from separate bowel movements
  • Swab the stool and shop information technology in the given container. Ensure that it doesn't get in contact with urine or h2o
  • Label your samples, as per the instruction
  • Submit your results for testing

Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)

  • Collect three different samples from separate bowel movements
  • A special device will be included in your kit. Use this to collect the sample
  • Swab the sample onto a examination card, or any container provided on your kit
  • Label your samples, as per the educational activity
  • Submit your results for testing

Remember: Early detection is the best way to fight colon cancer.

Get screened for colon polyps today.

Schedule an appointment at Gastro Centre NJ.


Source: https://gastrocenternj.com/blood-colon-cancer/

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