How Do You Know if Cucumber Is Bad

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When you cook and store it properly, salmon is a delicious and salubrious fish. Ever check your raw salmon for signs of spoilage before you devote time to preparing a meal. Give up on salmon leftovers that oasis't been refrigerated properly, or that are more than two days old. Make sure that your fish is cooked through before enjoying your meal.

  1. 1

    Make sure the fish doesn't have a strong, ammonia-like olfactory property. [1] Smell the raw salmon to see if it has a bad olfactory property. If the fish smells pungent, fishy, or ammonia-similar, it is probably bad. Fresh salmon should have a very mild odour.[2]

  2. 2

    Look for a milky coating to signal the fish has gone bad. [3] A sign that raw fish has gone bad is the presence of a white, translucent pare on top of it. Before cooking, audit your salmon to make sure information technology doesn't accept a milky moving picture on its surface. If you come across any kind of opaque moving picture developing on the fish, throw information technology abroad.[iv]


  3. 3

    Come across if the salmon has a weak consistency. Before cooking it, check the consistency of your raw salmon. If the fish feels like it is breaking up while you lot handle it, throw it away. Fresh salmon should always be firm and hold together.[5]

  4. four

    Audit the eyes for discoloration. [6] If y'all purchase salmon with the head still on, check the advent of its eyes. Fresh salmon should have bright, clear optics with a dark student in the middle. When the fish has gone bad, the eyes will announced discolored.[7]

    • The salmon'southward optics should too appear slightly jutting. If the eyes announced sunken in, the fish has likely gone bad.[8]
  5. v

    Check if the salmon has a wearisome, pale color. Check the coloring of your salmon to see if it is still skillful or not. Fresh salmon should accept a bright pinkish or orange color to it. If your salmon has a pale, dull colour, it is probable spoiled.[9]

    • Your salmon should also accept fine white lines running though information technology, which indicate freshness.
  6. 6

    Cheque the "best earlier" and "sell by" dates. If you are in uncertainty about the quality of your salmon, check the "best before" date indicated on the packaging. This date is non a definite prediction of when your fish will get bad, but it volition give yous a skillful thought of when information technology might spoil. You should also check the "sell by" appointment, which should as well be indicated on the packaging.[x]

    • As a general dominion, refrigerated fresh salmon will keep for one or two days after its "sell by" date.


  1. ane

    Bank check for a foul, sour olfactory property. [11] If your cooked salmon has a foul odor, throw it away immediately. A strong, sour smell is a clear indication that your leftover meal has gone bad. If the salmon does non have a mild, appetizing smell, do not eat it.[12]

  2. 2

    Check for a slimy texture. [thirteen] A clear sign that leftover cooked salmon has gone bad is a slimy consistency. If your salmon has lost its thick, flaky texture, it is non worth eating. Throw it abroad if it has any sliminess to information technology.[14]

  3. 3

    Avoid leaving cooked salmon at room temperature for more than two hours. Cooked salmon should exist thrown away if information technology sits out at room temperature for longer than two hours after cooking. Bacteria will begin to grow if the fish is not refrigerated before that point. Ever have note of the time you cook salmon, or the time that y'all social club information technology at a restaurant, and the time y'all are able to put information technology into the fridge.[15]

  4. 4

    Throw abroad leftovers that are more than two or iii days old. Three days afterward it is cooked, throw out leftover salmon regardless of whether information technology appears to exist spoiled. If you are unsure most the condition of your salmon after 2 days, dispose of it. The chance of bacterial growth and disease is non worth the risk.[16]


  1. 1

    Use your fork to see if the fish flakes. Use a fork to gently scrape through your salmon steak or fillet. When fish is cooked properly, it should suspension into flakes when nudged. If your fish feels dumbo or rubbery, it isn't cooked properly.[17]

  2. 2

    Check to see if your salmon is opaque. To brand sure your salmon is fully cooked, cutting into it at its thickest signal and audit its color. Fully cooked fish should be opaque. If the salmon appears translucent, information technology needs to be cooked for longer.[18]

  3. 3

    Bank check the temperature of the fish. If yous take access to a meat thermometer, use information technology to exam the temperature of your salmon. Place the thermometer in the thickest part of your salmon and allow it sit for a minute to get an accurate reading. A well-cooked piece of salmon should reach 145 degrees Fahrenheit, or approximately 63 degrees Celsius.[19]

    • Employ a digital meat thermometer for the clearest possible reading.


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  • Question

    How practise I cook already smoked salmon?

    C Grace

    Smoked salmon does non require more than cooking - the smoking process has already cooked the fish. Bask warm or cold!

  • Question

    How practise I know if canned salmon is bad?

    Community Answer

    Although information technology may seem counter intuitive because salmon is a blazon of fish, if it's still edible it should non smell unpleasantly "fishy" in any way. If your salmon smells somewhat sour or anything similar ammonia,, it has gone bad and you need to toss it. Fresh salmon has a mild aroma, or one that smells similar to the sea.

  • Question

    How long does a salmon log final?

    Community Answer

    Information technology really simply depends on your salmon's "all-time before" and "sell by" date. You should follow the date printed on the package.

  • Question

    How exercise I know if frozen salmon is even so proficient?


    Frozen salmon volition stay expert indefinitely (equally long as it stays frozen). Some people will advocate throwing out salmon that has been frozen for so long it has "freezer burn down" - dark-brown or white patches - just if you aren't choosy about the texture, then information technology'due south perfectly OK to consume salmon with freezer fire.

  • Question

    What happens if I eat spoiled salmon?


    Yous will get very sick. You volition probably vomit and may also experience a high fever and diarrhea.

  • Question

    How practice I know if the salmon is good if it has dark-green on it when I open up packaged salmon?


    If it has green on it, it has gone bad. Throw information technology out. If you bought it recently you should be able to get a refund, so return information technology to the store.

  • Question

    My poached salmon has a bluish tinge. Has information technology gone bad?

    Community Answer

    It'due south best if y'all don't eat it if it appears discoloured, every bit that's not a normal coloration for this fish. Don't consume it, information technology's simply not worth the adventure of illness.

  • Question

    What is the healthiest way to cook pare on salmon filet?

    Community Answer

    Blackening, baking, and steaming are expert options for cooking the pare.

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  • While wild salmon is sometimes thought to be meliorate for y'all than farmed salmon, neither is bad. All types of salmon are rich in vitamins and nutrients such as Omega-3 fats and vitamin A.[20]

  • Store salmon in its original store packaging or in a tightly-sealed container to keep it fresh.

  • Storing raw salmon in the freezer tin can extend its shelf life by two or three months.[21]


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Commodity Summary Ten

To know if fresh salmon is bad, check the smell. Fresh salmon has a mild smell, and so if yours smells pungent or ammonia-like, it'southward probably bad. Yous can also inspect the surface for a white, translucent skin. If you meet a milky film on your salmon, get rid of it. You'll know cooked salmon is bad if it has a foul odor and slimy texture. If leftover salmon sat out at room temperature for 2 or more than hours, toss it. Leftover salmon that'due south been in your fridge longer than iii days should also be thrown out. If you lot want to learn how to check if salmon is cooked properly, keep reading!

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