Lees Summit North, Mo High School Name of Person Who Suicide





Friday, Sept 29, 2017 will be remembered as a dark stain on the hearts, minds and consciousness of the Lees Summit, MO community. The peace of an otherwise, seemingly, idyllic autumn morning was shattered as the report of a lone gunshot from a second floor bathroom sounded throughout the halls of Lees Summit North high school.

School had barely started when a 17 year old girl whose entire life was ahead of her decided, in one awful moment, that she did not wish to live another day.  The reverberations of despair and confusion that single shot represents will echo for a long time to come in this town��as it should.

Immediately after the incident, school officials and community law enforcement scrambled to do damage control and assure parents that our children are safe in their hands by reporting evacuation statistics in the aftermath of gunfire inside the school walls.

A mere ten days later another Lees Summit North student, Matthew Kelley, ended his own life at home one month after his eighteenth birthday.  He wasn�t a loner or an outsider and was active in theater and an IB diploma candidate.  He had everything going for him. It doesn�t make sense.

Many students of that school and around the Kansas City area are struggling right now to understand why two of their ranks would do something so impulsive, so hopeless and so very final.

In the wake of these suicides, parents in the community grieve as one for the families of these two teenagers as they hold their own children a little tighter this week and discussions are opened that maybe once weren�t.  In light of these discussions, maybe this senseless tragedy will not be totally in vain.

MAYBE some real understanding and help will come of it for other teens suffering depression.

MAYBE Lees Summit and other schools in this nation will become a little more focused on their possible contribution to these types of soul- shaking events and practical measures will be enacted preventing future tragedies.

MAYBE, if the right steps are taken, we will someday soon see a decrease in the ever growing rate of depression and suicide amongst our teenagers. Now, more than ever, we need something more than just empty maybe�s.

Make no mistake, teen depression and suicide IS on the rise.  We�re not just imagining it.  As a parent of two children, recently graduated from Lees Summit North, it has not escaped my attention that many of their friends are riddled with anxiety and depression and talk openly about it.  Many are on medications for these disorders as well.

The Jason Foundation, also known as JFI, is one of the nation�s leading clinically-based non-profit organizations for the awareness and prevention of youth suicide.

Per the JFI website:

�There is a �Silent Epidemic� sweeping through our nation that claims an average of more than 100 young lives each week. It knows no social, racial or economic barriers. This �Silent Epidemic� is youth suicide! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention�s 2015 Youth Risk Behavioral Survey over ONE out of every TWELVE young people in our nation attempted suicide in the previous 12 months.�

And �Each day in our nation, there are an average of over 3,470 attempts by young people grades 9-12.  If these percentages are additionally applied to grades 7 & 8, the numbers would be higher.�

In addition, the CDC website reports that between 2007 and 2015, teen suicides increased by 31% and, in that same eight year period, the girls outnumbered the boys as their suicide rate actually doubled.

The next logical question to these overwhelming statistics is, �Why are our children killing themselves in record numbers?�    Depression as the first step on the road to suicide is an undeniable conclusion.

 The National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH, reports that in 2015 an estimated 3 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 in the United States had at least one major depressive episode in the past year. This number represented 12.5% of the U.S. population aged 12 to 17.

Girls represented 77 % of that depressed population and boys were only 23%. That means girls are three time more likely to experience major depression as teens than their male counterparts.

 Also of interest is that white adolescents and young adults were also more likely than non-whites to experience these episodes.

Per a Johns Hopkins research report published online in the journal Pediatrics in 2016:

�The rate of adolescents reporting a recent bout of clinical depression grew by 37 percent over the decade ending in 2014, with one in six girls reporting an episode in the past year.�

And, �The researchers say it is unclear what is driving the rise in major depressive episodes, particularly among girls. They say adolescent girls may have been exposed to a greater degree of depression risk factors in recent years. Cyber bullying, for example, may have increased more in girls, as studies have shown that they use mobile phones more frequently and intensively than boys and problematic mobile phone use among young people has been linked to depressed mood.�

And finally, �The results coincided with a major economic downturn, but there has not been an increase in the prevalence of clinical depression among adults over the period and this study found no increase among those ages 21 to 25.�

There�s a mountain of irrefutable statistics out that show us teen suicide and depression have rapidly skyrocketed in the last decade or so.  The next question is, �What are we currently doing about it?�

StatNews.com posted an article dated 06/20/16.  It describes a meta-analysis paper published by The Lancet that looked at 34 previously conducted studies.

Those combined studies included more than 5,200 children and teens who took one of 14 antidepressants or a placebo an average of 8 weeks.

The Lancet�s findings were; �The vast majority of antidepressants given to kids and teens are ineffective and potentially dangerous.�

Stat News goes on to say, �Questions have been raised before about the usefulness of antidepressants in young people whose brains are still developing. More than a decade ago, the Food and Drug Administration added a black-box warning to a number of antidepressants used by teenagers, saying that they might increase suicidal thinking.�

And, �Dr Carl Bell, a community psychiatrist and clinical professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chicago, said that until recently, he doesn�t remember seeing children younger than 13 who were suicidal or severely depressed. �I don�t know what happened, but now I see it all the time,� he said.�

So, in putting it all together:

�          Depression and suicide is on the rise among school aged teenagers (and let�s not forget our 7th and 8th graders that would be driving those statistics even higher)

�          But once they are out of school they seem to be less depressed.

�          Girls who are more connected to their cell phones and social media are significantly more depressed than their male counterparts because somehow �problematic cell phone use� is a risk factor for depression.

�          White students who are statistically socio-economically more stable than their non-white counterparts are more likely to experience depression.

�          It�s obviously apparent that something has changed dramatically in our schools in the last decade and it is directly affecting the mental health of our children.

�          And, all the king�s horses and all the king�s men can�t seem to figure out WHY as it doesn�t appear to be tied to economic downturns.  It�s probably those darned cyber bullies but we�re just not sure.

�          One thing we do know is that pharmaceuticals aren�t the solution. They�re not helping children�s depression and are likely directly contributing to the skyrocketing suicide rate and we�ve known this for over ten years yet haven�t come up with anything better.

What if the answer was literally right in front of our faces but we couldn�t see it?  When you examine what has changed so dramatically in our schools in the last decade or so the answer is simple:

Technology, technology, technology and technology.

Or, broken down into parts:  cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, and Smart Meters which result in negative EMF�s and RF frequencies invisibly inundating our entire society but ESPECIALLY our children.

This tidal wave of technology has been increasing exponentially in the last 30 years since its inception.  In the last decade we have seen an unprecedented increase in these things foisted upon our schools in the name of progress.  Chromebooks and Wi-Fi came to Lees Summit North three years ago at about a year after the Smart Meters came to town.

We have known for over 100 years now that we, and everything else in our reality, are made of nothing but atoms.  Atoms are, simply put, energy particles vibrating at a particular frequency to give �the illusion of mass�.  It�s a difficult concept to wrap your mind around when you stub your toe on a piece of heavy furniture in the dark, but it doesn�t make it any less true.  The plain fact is you are nothing but energy and frequency.

When you understand that our bodies are composed of 99.9% air and light you, then, begin to understand that we are simply energy particles expressed through frequency in a huge ocean of energy and frequency. There is no way to separate yourself from the energy fields around you.  It stands to reason that if the ocean is polluted, so are you.  The frequency of your environment is EVERYTHING that is healthy and unhealthy in your life.

You can filter the air in your home.  You can buy organic foods, and you can drink purified water, but you CANNOT escape electro-smog pollution without putting some effort into it, especially if you are unaware that it exists and have not been educated on its detrimental effects.

Every single person reading this is currently being exposed to 100 MILLION times more negative EMF and RF frequencies than their grandparents ever were. The invention and nationwide implementation of computers, Wi-Fi and cell phones over the last 30 years has exposed your children and their developing brains their ENTIRE lives to this radiation.

The simple and undeniable fact is this: As we add more and more towers to the cell phone forest in our cities, Smart Meters on every house and Wi-Fi and Chromebooks in all of our schools we are literally vibrating our cells and DNA with unhealthy microwave radio frequencies 24/7, 365 days a year.  Those constant vibrations are creating more stress on our bodies and minds than ever before.  More than our bodies and minds can handle.

Unfortunately, our children are even MORE vulnerable to these effects as they are:

�          Physically less dense,

�          They�re bodies and brains are still growing and developing  AND

�          They have been exposed their ENTIRE lives, even in utero.

These effects are long term and cumulative yet we force our children to endure eight hours a day of bouncing powerful Wi-Fi and cell phone signals through their tiny bodies and brains in schools as their Chromebooks sit on their laps irradiating their reproductive organs.

Many schools have even leased space on their roofs or property to cell tower companies in order to increase revenue! Many others simply have one or more cell towers in the quarter mile �hot zone� range�.especially in the inner cities where the cell tower forest is densest.   Lee�s Summit North is encircled by no less than six cell towers within the one quarter to a half mile range!

Both the young girl in the bathroom   and Matthew Kelley also live within a quarter mile of a cell phone tower and both of their homes have had KCP&L Smart Meters installed in the last few years.  Both of their bedrooms were on the second floor receiving the full brunt of those cell tower signals. If they�re like the rest of us, they have Wi-Fi in their homes for cable TV and internet.  If there was a cordless phone in their homes it would only make the situation even worse.  The difference of late is, now, they also go to a school for 8 more hours a day locked into a box where Wi-Fi signals are continual as every one of their 1,900 fellow students logs on to his or her new Chromebook .

There are thousands upon thousands of research papers out there that prove the unhealthy effects of these negative frequencies on our cells and DNA�.yet�.nobody seems to know or care about it.   They�re too busy making money from it and we are too busy being addicted to our technology.

A landmark Spanish study of cell towers was able to demonstrate that the top complaints of people living near cell towers were �in order of percentage of people reporting these effects:

�          Fatigue

�          Sleep disruption/insomnia

�          Headaches,

�          Feelings of discomfort

�          Difficulty concentrating

�          Depression/anxiety and

�          Memory loss.

The list goes on to include skin rashes, muscle movement problems, nausea and loss of appetite.  How are children even supposed to LEARN when they are battling symptoms like that?

The common factor for all of these symptoms is that these frequencies are directly affecting our nervous systems.  You ARE a frequency, remember?  When these vibrations pass through your body, your body reads it as stress and goes into fight or flight mode releasing, among other hormones, cortisol. Cortisol contributes to adrenal fatigue, diabetes and obesity and endocrine dysfunction in general.

Another interesting fact is that ALL frequency is light.  This is why there�s an unprecedented explosion in the �sleep industry� right now.  The pineal gland that releases melatonin is, basically, a light meter.  When it gets dark the melatonin is released.  But with high RF�s around us all the time the pineal gland never seems to sense �dark� and cannot do its job.

But how is this tied into the overwhelming rise in depression that then results in (often, pharmaceutically induced) suicidal ideations that seem to be obliterating our youth in record numbers?

There are several studies that prove that negative EMF�s and RF�s from things like cell phones and Wi-Fi directly affect the brain�s function and contribute to depression.  According to Home-Biology.com:

At least five epidemiological studies have shown that proximity to cell phone towers causes an increase of depression, headaches, insomnia, inability to concentrate, irritability, abnormal vision and memory, decreased libido and exhaustion.

In another study, 22 suicide incidents in South Wales (England) were related with the proximity of victims to cell phone towers.  According to Dr. Roger Coghill, member of the Advisory Committee On Wireless Radiation in Great Britain: �There is a body of research that has over the years pointed to the fact that exposure to mobile radiation can lead to depression. There is evidence of higher suicide rates where people live near any electrical equipment that gives off radio or electrical waves.�

Another study found that, �Chronic exposure to low frequency radiation (from power cables, transformers etc) causes dysfunction of the pineal gland, reduces the normal production of melatonin and serotonin (hormone essential for controlling mood) and can contribute to the onset or worsening of depressive symptoms.�

Wi-Fi has also strongly been linked to cancer clusters in schools .  One California school that removed their Wi-Fi due to a cancer cluster also noted that the rate of use of asthma inhalers also went down dramatically to nearly nil, although children were still using their inhalers at home.

Exposure to high RF (microwave) frequencies from cell phones has also been linked to ADD and impulsivity.  One study even showed that certain high frequencies, when directed to the right parietal lobe of the brain, were able to produce a consistent decrease in the moral compass of those subjects.  In other words, the test subjects were more apt to do something harmful to others in order to receive their own reward when exposed to these frequencies.  How many people are right handed and hold the phone to their right ear?

The fine print in the user�s manual of all cell phones specifically directs you to not hold the phone closer than 6�-8� from your head.  The reason for this is because they know the cancer causing and mental health effects these frequencies can have but, of course, they say it in really, really, small print in the back of the booklet that nobody ever reads.

These frequencies are deemed �non-ionizing� by the powers that be, meaning that it doesn�t heat tissues immediately like your microwave.  But, rest assured, you ARE being microwaved over a period of decades and the medical community is bracing for the explosion of electro-sensitivity that is to come as we approach that all critical 30 year mark of exposure.

This is the profession I work in and I believe it is already here in the form of rising cancer rates, diabetes, obesity, depression, anxiety, thyroid and immune dysfunction and insomnia and we simply refuse to recognize it.  It doesn�t respond well to pharmaceutical intervention and to date that seems to be our only allowable tool.

The U.S. government is all too aware of these effects.  On the very same day that young lady in the bathroom was pointing  a gun at herself and pulling the trigger; the New York Post reported that the US State Department was warning tourists to stay out of Cuba due to some mysterious �sonic attacks� that seemed to be occurring there.  It went on to say:

The State Department on Friday warned Americans to keep out of Cuba, saying that some of the mystery sonic attacks targeting US diplomats took place at hotels popular with tourists.

�Over the past several months, 21 US Embassy employees have suffered a variety of injuries from attacks of an unknown nature,� Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a statement.

�The affected individuals have exhibited a range of physical symptoms, including ear complaints, hearing loss, dizziness, headache, fatigue, cognitive issues, and difficulty sleeping. Investigators have been unable to determine who is responsible or what is causing these attacks,� he said.

These are the exact same symptoms reported in the Spanish study of cell towers and it seems that our government is taking the threat of weaponized frequency seriously on foreign soil but does nothing to protect its citizens at home.

A report I recently found on Wikileaks details all of the frequency investigations and extensive blocking attempts they have made over the past year in Cuba to protect the embassy�s employees.  Why are we not employing these techniques in our schools?

The U.S. is currently allowing for much higher frequencies to affect the population than many other European countries as our corporations and FCC hide behind the semantics of ionizing versus non-ionizing radiation.  We allow 10,000 times more RF radiation to affect the public than does Russia and 100,000 times more than Austria. Those are just a couple of examples.

Many cities and entire countries have banned Wi-Fi from schools altogether. I guess they realize that their children ARE their future! The US, on the other hand, seems to have been more influenced by corporate interests rather than protecting the physical and mental health of our nation�s children.

 So, to recap our previous list:

�          Depression and suicide is on the rise among school aged teenagers (and let�s not forget our 7th and 8th graders) BECAUSE we have been inundating them with Wi-Fi and cell phone frequencies in school as well as at home in the last decade

�          But once they are out of school they seem to be less depressed BECAUSE they are not trapped in Wi-Fi boxes all day anymore.

�          Girls who are more connected to their cell phones and social media are significantly more depressed than their male counterparts BECAUSE they are using their cell phones more .  This is not some mysterious psychological or social problem that requires ineffective and dangerous pharmaceutical intervention as much as it is a PHYSIOLOGICAL problem .

�          White students who are statistically socio-economically more stable than their non-white counterparts are more likely to experience depression  - BECAUSE they have more access to expensive technologies.

�          It�s obviously apparent that TECHNOLOGY has changed dramatically in our schools in the last decade and it is directly affecting the mental health of our children .

�          And, all the king�s horses and all the king�s men ARE aware of the problem but are ignoring it at the very least and, at worst, buying studies to agree with the corporate agenda rather than take a stand against corporatism.

�          One thing we do know is that pharmaceuticals aren�t the solution . Our current allopathic model of medicine is making billions of dollars off of �The Prozac Nation� and seems to have no desire to change the status quo.

If you wanted to undermine a country and weaken it at its very core, shattering the minds and ruining the health of our children while preventing healthy grandchildren would be an EXCELLENT way to do it!    It has not escaped my attention that both Wi-Fi in the schools and Smart Meters on our homes were initiated by the prior administration with large incentives going to our schools and utility companies to employ these technologies.  As it stands today, it is up to us, individually, to protect ourselves.

There ARE things people can do to protect themselves because, let�s be practical; giving up our cell phones is not an option. Some are simple and inexpensive; others require a little more cash outlay. Mainly, the public needs to be educated so that they can make better choices, demand accountability and affect legislation.

So, parents, what is the immediate solution?

�          Demand that your school, at the very least, remove Wi-Fi; Plain and simple. It is not necessary, just more convenient.

�          Talk to your school district about also making sure they�re not leasing space on their property for cell towers.

�          Ask that your school join the 21st century and the rest of the world and begin education programs that teach children safe and responsible use of RF emitting devices like cell phones, laptops and I-Pads. Laptops DO NOT belong on laps!

Cancer causing cell phones DO NOT belong in pockets or tucked into bras.

Invest in RF blocking technologies for your cell phones and laptops.

Turn your Wi-Fi off at home when sleeping.  Better yet, have the cable company come out and wire your home for old-fashioned, healthier cable. AT&T will do it free of charge if you tell them it�s for health reasons. They did for me.

Call your utility company and opt out of the Smart Meters that were, for all intents and purposes, sneaked onto your homes.  The frequencies they emit are even stronger than Wi-Fi.

Complain to the Missouri Energy Commission about the ridiculous extortion fee that KCP&L has arbitrarily come up with to prevent you from having this WHO class 2B carcinogen removed from your home.

Educate yourselves and protect your children until our schools catch up and begin taking the mental and physical health of our children seriously. They need to earn back our trust and demonstrate this by putting the health and lives of our children ahead of the almighty dollar.

As a Lees Summit parent, my heart goes out to the two grieving Lees Summit North  families.  I cannot imagine their anguish and pain and only hope that they know or can sense how much empathy and love their community is holding in their hearts for them.

I know we all, as a community, share in this pain to some degree.  What makes it worse is when there are no apparent solutions.  I hope to shed some light with this article and effect some right actions by our schools so that no parent has to suffer like these two families are right now.

I am especially directing this information and the expectation of immediate action to the Lees Summit, R-7 District Superintendent, Dr. Dennis L. Carpenter and Dr. Amy Gates, the Executive Director of Technology.   I am sure that, with some thought and effort, you both will be able to come up with ways to educate our children and maintain the high rankings of our Lees Summit schools without the unnecessary risk of imposing further physical and mental harm on our children�. our  ONLY future.

And Finally, let us ALL do SOMETHING to make sure that the passing of these two beautiful souls who felt they had no hope, and the loss of what might have been their future,  is NOT in vain and that their lives and deaths will have stood for SOMETHING that will benefit all of our children for generations to come.   Make a phone call, educate yourself, educate your children, and use your vote at the ballot and the checkout line.  Do whatever you can do to stop this destruction of our children from happening in our lifetimes.  There won�t be a second chance.

 Let our future be their legacy of hope.

 If interested, you can contact Lees Summit R-7 School District at (816) 986-1000.

Lees Summit North, Mo High School Name of Person Who Suicide

Source: http://www.raisingthebarronhealth.com/barr-suicide%20article.htm

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